Technology Solutions

We develop, customize and integrate smart technologies that wrap around your EHR and EMR. These are simple, efficient and economical; providing you tools for maintaining control, reducing leakages and assuring outcomes.

All our technologies are designed to supply immediate benefits, without a commitment to large payouts of precious dollars. We customize and deploy transactional support, productivity enhancement and business intelligence layers, to fit your specific requirements.

Our smart solutions combined with the essential outsourced billing processes, aim at delivering the reimbursements that are due. Proven methods are used on converting this approach to measurable outcomes.

An equivalent solution from elsewhere can take you back by months, loss in thousands of dollars and tie you down with commitments. With Resilient Revenue, our technology tools are usually a part of the service charge.


The application of IT across various service verticals of the healthcare industry has become increasingly relevant within the past few years. Health Information Systems helps to bring in drastic operational changes while reducing costs and increasing capacity throughput and business profits.

At Resilient Revenue, we have 20 years of experience in providing high-quality health information systems for state healthcare agencies, private hospitals, community-run organizations, and physician groups, amongst others. We concentrate on employing state-of-the-art software and online medical information technology, while implementing innovative ideas for improved health services.

Health Information Technology Services from Resilient Revenue
The HCIT industry has seen recent regulatory changes which have resulted during a consolidation of the market. In such an environment, your organization requires a partner who not only has the specified experience, but someone who also can provide high-quality services at cost-effective rates. Our services include –

•  Healthcare Analytics and Business Intelligence

Scores of medical data without meaningful use just adds up to the value of running data centers. It’s only with advanced analytics that useful and actionable information are often deciphered. Our analytics and BI service make sure that you get practical information for quick decision-making, streamlining your processes, and identifying new business areas.

• Electronic Health Records

Digitization of medical and health records isn’t just a regulatory requirement, but also forms the elemental fabric of the health information technology system. Our well-implemented EHR system not only prunes manual data entry practices but also keeps all relevant data secure and error-free. After understanding your existing processes, we engage the simplest EHR system for your business during a cost-effective manner.

• Technology Upgrade

In certain cases, your current IT installations might not be advanced enough to inaugurate all the advantages that cutting-edge software is offering today. At Resilient Revenue, we understand your healthcare system and upgrade your IT infrastructure to leverage maximum benefits. We’ll confirm that all your legacy data and knowledge is migrated to the new system, with no significant downtimes and knowledge loss.

• Health Information Exchange

Information, if exchanged properly and timely, will grow manifold and can have a bigger impact on the general service efficiency. Our experts can’t only digitize data but also create communication channels across computing platforms like desktops, tablets, mobile, etc., and among different departments and units. This will help doctors, and other medical practitioners secure immediate patient information, also help communicate more effectively.

• Health Information Technology for Rural Hospitals

It’s always a key challenge to set-up health information systems for rural hospitals thanks to logistical and infrastructural challenges. We carefully do an assessment of your existing setup and procedures within the purview of those challenges and install the simplest possible medical information technology solutions.

• Onsite IT Support

If you’re running an outsized health ERP and wish 24×7 onsite IT support then you’ll simply believe our expert onsite IT administrators and programmers. We will ensure uninterrupted functioning of your healthcare IT installation. We also provide vital IT services and backup support.

• Healthcare IT as SaaS

If you only want to specialize in your core healthcare services and worry less about prevalent IT niggles, random bugs, functionality lapses, breakdowns, regular maintenance, etc., then allow us to move your health information technology online with SaaS and lookout of it remotely from the cloud.

• Data Migration

Most healthcare organizations lack the technology, expertise, and therefore the necessary resources to assist in a large-scale healthcare data migration process. Our data migration experts undergo your current manual documentation practices then digitize your whole data, error-free. At an equivalent time, we make sure that the entire project timeline never affects your operational methods.

• Leveraging Smart Tools and Apps

We not only specialize in large health information systems but also make small and smart healthcare tools and mobile apps function for you. These tools help doctors, patients and other users with fast and insightful information and regular interactions.